From: [] On Behalf Of Hernan Tylim
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 1:17 PM
To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
Subject: Re: how to set the cursor position in TextMorph


Hi Celal, I don´t have a squeak image at hand so I can't give you exact names or working code, but what you need need to do is to check the class ParagraphEditor (or something like that).

The text cursor (the caret) in Squeak is what in the text input classes is called an editor. The caret, is not really a cursor but a visual representation of the selection, which when has a size 0 looks like a normal cursor.

Look at the ParagraphEditor and look at the method categories, and you will surely find methods that deals with cursor movement. Actually, somewhere in there you will find the exact code that is executed each time an arrow key is pressed.


On 5/10/06, Celal Ziftci <> wrote:

Hi Frank,
I think I'm getting the meaning of cursor wrong.
So basicly what I want to do is the following. I want to set the caret
position in the textmorph using some smalltalk code instead of using the
As an example, assume I have the following text in a textmorph and | is
the place my caret is currently at:


Now I want to move the caret to another place like:

but not by clicking there, using some code instead.
Is this possible at all? Do I need to imitate firing an event (something
like mouse down event)?
Thanks for any help.

- Celal Ziftci




> Hi Celal,

> Better to know is what do you want to do. The accessor cursorWrapped:
> work very well and brings the curosor of the TextMorph to the right
> position. The little example below is how I try to get the answer on
> your question.

> "initialize the TextMorph"
> karl := TextMorph new openInWorld. karl contents: 'here comes the mouse'.

> "Show where the cursor is"
> Transcript show: karl cursor;cr.
> "result ==1"

> "change the position of the cursor"
> karl cursorWrapped: 6.

> "Show where the cursor is"
> Transcript show: karl cursor.
> "result == 6"

> Cheers,
>   Frank

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: how to set the cursor position in TextMorph (09-Mai-2006 19:47)
From:    Celal Ziftci <>

>> Hi,
>> I am having problem in setting the cursor to a certain position in
>> TextMorph. I am trying the cursorWrapped: message, but it seems to be
>> not working (or I am misunderstanding its meaning). Any help or
>> pointers would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> - Celal Ziftci
