I don't know if you've solved this already, but what I notice in your screenshot is you only have the loop code highlighted.

I tried reproducing what you're talking about, and the closest I got was when I initialized (evaluated) i and sum, but not a. So, include all the locals in what you highlight, before getting to the loop.

If you don't evaluate the initialization of the locals, the workspace doesn't know they exist.
On 03/04/2023 4:09 PM Igor Raven <igorraven1@gmail.com> wrote:

This code segment works for the presenter, Huw, at https://youtu.be/8ibI5bfssCU?list=PLZHx5heVfgEvuveKG1T7BBSuDOTHl1eLl&t=1481

but it fails for me.

The Screen grab shows my code and error on left and working code on right.

What am I missing? Please be gentle ;-)


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