Hi, after you installed the FreeType stuff, you should be able to go to the 

World menu -> appearance... -> system fonts -> default text font

Once you get there, you should be able to select the font you want to use.  Next, you'll need to "save and quit" from your current image.  Now, restart Squeak using the previous image.  At this point, I'm not seeing any changes in the fonts and it's simply displaying the original font.


On 7/13/07, Richard Eng <richard.eng@rogers.com > wrote:
I have a similar question. I tried installing "FreeStyle" but I'm not sure if I know how to use it because I still don't get any nice Windows fonts in Squeak.


On 7/13/07 6:57 PM, "Conrad Taylor" <conradwt@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi, could someone recommend a default that I can use instead of the default image's font?  The current font is simply too small and causing eye strain.

Thanks in advance,


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