On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 6:46 AM, Herbert König <herbertkoenig@gmx.net> wrote:
One version of smart paper is, I draw userinterfaces by just placing
the elements into an empty project and place texts around them like
the names to reference them, the message names they send an some
general description of what they do. Did this on paper before.

This is going to sound really lame, but do you have any screenshots you can share?  This sounds like a very useful technique, but I don't think my brain is using Morphic that way.  In fact, I don't think my brain is using Morphic at all!
In one case where I did not need so much text around I gradually
filled the sketch with life to have a prototype

For many aspects of a development project I have several Squeak
project with browsers open on the relevant methods and Workspaces. And
I have sketches about the flow of some aspects of the software.

What are you using for your sketches?

For my project leading job I carry an 3.6 Squeak on a USB stick which
I really use as a notetaker. I lead a road design software project
where I have Squeak projects on technical, sales, customer and
competition aspects.

What features do you use for notes?  Workspaces for typing?  Connectors?  More sketches?  Why 3.6?  Does it have features that have been removed?

The last one is what I was talking about in my reply to Brenda's post
in Squeak dev.

Thank you for sharing.  I have been trying to "study my history" lately, and am feeling very much like there are all these capabilities out there that I am definitely NOT taking advantage of!  When I read, for example, that "The original [Augment] system is still in use today by Dr. Engelbart and the Bootstrap Alliance,"  I just have to think that we are all suffering from not maximizing the capabilities of the systems we already have!

Thanks again,
