
I am new in here and to Squeak in general.

To me OSProcess works in MacOS and FreeBSD (Linux emulation).

I don't have a Windows machine to try unfortunately.

This is a list of working examples (in my operating systems), maybe try to run something similar in Windows. I guess the equivalent of "ls" is "dir".

"in this case we want to take the output from an external program"
p := PipeableOSProcess command: 'ls -la'.
commandOutput := p output.

"in this case you don't take the output, just run a program."
p := OSProcess command: 'ls -la'.

"In FreeBSD (Linux emulation) it works, open Emacs in a GUI."
p := OSProcess command: 'emacs'.


On 8/3/19 7:50 PM, Christoph Thiede wrote:

I am trying to run a simple shell command using OSProcess:

ExternalWindowsOSProcess command: 'taskmgr.exe'

I'm afraid it "does not work", so after evaluating this expression, no
window opens and also no icon appears in the systray. If I open cmd.exe and
type taskmgr.exe there, taskmgr opens.

However, the following works as expected:

ExternalWindowsOSProcess command: 'notepad.exe'

Using absolute paths did not change the behavior.

I installed the latest OSProcess version via SqueakMap. Is this a bug, or is
it me? Thanks in advance!


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