This is a curiosity question that will hopefully help me understand the Squeak *system* better.

I have an Aida application in which I find myself doing a lot of list manipulation, and given the reputation Smalltalk has for the strength of it's collection classes, I felt sure I would find a method SOMEWHERE that exchanged two elements. I just no good at finding what I'm looking for (swap, exchange, move?), or is it because it is so simple to write something like

exchange: index1 and: index2
    temp := self at: index1.
    self at: index1 put: (self at: index2).
    self at: index2 put: temp.

that no one would even think of needing to include such behavior?

Again, just wondering so I can "measure" my understanding of how little I know and better gauge whether I think I can find an answer from the system itself...

Of course, the answer is probably "why don't you just..." along with a single line...!

