Thanks for the respnse.  We will go to etoys. But we are looking for the ability to have the computer actually hear sound not key board input.
There is a software program called rossette stone that listen to you speak in a langauge and shows you on a meter how close you are to the correct sounds. 
For example, if you are learning Japanese as a secound langauge then you can practice your speaking to the computer and it will show you on a meter how good or bad your speech is so you can little bit by little bit work to perfection.
I saw this and thought we can do the same for learning to play musical insrtruments.
Where is the best place to get help with etoys?  I have looked at the website and they have lots of samples and I have gone through the tutorial there.  But where do you get more in depth help.  I can't seem to find any step by step after the first tutorials.
Can you help?
Chuck Smith