A common way is to write your own print method, so it will print as you want it anywhere, whether you send it to the Transcript or as a result in a work space.  Example:

printOn: aStream
aStream nextPutAll: 'My result = ', result printString, ' data = ', data variable.

Kirk W. Fraser
www.JesusGospelChurch.com - Replace the fraud churches with the true church.
http://freetom.info - Example of False Justice common in America

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 7:57 AM, Raymond Asselin <jgr.asselin@me.com> wrote:
I get an app that I made in Squeak. I would like to print the content of some OrderedCollection but don't know how to do that.
I thought to us a FileStream but never worked with Stream before any clue or reference is welcome.
My objectif is to print a list of my orderedCollection. I want a hard copy...

Raymond Asselin_______________________________________________
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