I have a #toDo: method instead of #revisit: wich for me is more representative.

I also have a test that verifies that I have no #toDo: senders, and I run all the tests before closing a new version. But that's just a bonus.

For me it's not cheating, it's just a simple tool, programmed in Smalltalk. It's the same thing as #halt. It's a breakpoint, but you have to send the message in a method body when you want to add it. It's a hack, but it works great.



On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Kannan Thambiah <pygospa@web.de> wrote:
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Hi Squeakers,

I've just been reading through the Laser Game Manual by Stephan B Wessels, and stumbled upon the section where he suggested a method for leaving notes, i.e. ToDos in the source code (http://squeak.preeminent.org/tut2007/html/035B.html).

He suggests to enhance the Object class with a new method "revisit: aString", that doesn't have a method body. Instead every subclass of Object where we want to leave notes, we'll just send us a message, e.g. "self revisit: 'I still need to think about a more effective algorithm here'".

The trick is that now you can search for all senders of "revisit:" and have all your ToDos in one place.

What do you think about this approach?

Personally I dislike it. Though it is an interesting approach I somehow feel like cheating on the purpose of methods and messages. I don't know how to put it into better words, it just doesn't feel like neat, clean object oriented programming to me.

What do you think? And, more important, how do you keep track of your ToDos? How do you keep them in your comments, and how do you make them available to yourself in an overview?

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