Finally managed to carve out some time to try this again.
It looks like a few people have been looking into to this in the meantime (thanks a lot) and even though I can’t follow exactly what has been changed etc I can report that when I clone the latest opensmalltalk-vm I can get a working system. I can open a workspace and 
Try a few tests with no crashes:

(10**22) sin -0.8522008497671888 
fib := [ :n | n > 2 ifTrue:  [(fib value: n-2) + (fib value: n-1)] ifFalse: [1]]. "closure on block variable"
fib value: 30. 832040 
| x t |
x := #(30 36 42 54 66 69).
[1 to: 6 do: [:a | Transcript show: (Time millisecondsToRun: [t := (fib value: (x at: a))]). Transcript show:  ' '. Transcript show: t. Transcript cr. ] ] forkAt: Processor userBackgroundPriority.
1081502 / 1000 / 60.0 18.025033333333333 
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 55 
Time durationToRun: [fib value: 42]  0:00:00:03.406797 
2+2 4 

I installed a clean FreeBSD 13 release. 
I used a minimal install for org and a simple wm: openbox
Then did a git clone of:
I changed the shell to bash then did:
Then I changed to opensmalltalk-vm/building/linux64x64/squeak.cog.spur/build
Ran: ./mvm
Down loaded the latest Squeak6.0-22104-64bit.image & .changes and renamed them in the dir to squeak.image & squeak.changes. I copied the SqueakV60.sources here too.
./squeak ran. 
I accepted all the defaults for configure & then installed system updates, FFI, and OS system.

And that’s it.