That's good to hear - so I am wondering would people here place Squeak in a category of Visual Programming Languages (visual like Visual Basic)?

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 2:47 PM, David Zmick <> wrote:
Welcome, I am 14, and I just started with Smalltalk and Squeak, and I personally feel that it is easier to use and understand, once you get a basic understanding of how everything works.  I have only really written software in Java, and I have played around with C++ a bit, but Smalltalk is my favorite language at the moment, and probably will be for quite some time!

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Nathan Lane <> wrote:
Cool, thanks for the correction. I realized right away it was different.  Thanks for explaining.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Bert Freudenberg <> wrote:
On 28.03.2008, at 17:28, Nathan Lane wrote:
> There was one I forgot to mention, which claims to use a similar
> production paradigm to SmallTalk - that is Ruby.  I've been
> programming in Ruby for over a year now, which I know isn't the
> same, already, but it too is completely Object Oriented and Object
> Based.

The object semantics are indeed similar. However, in Squeak you're
interacting with live objects directly, rather than having them
recreated from dead code all the time. That's a huge difference once
you make the mind shift.

And, btw, it's "Smalltalk" with a lowercase t.

- Bert -

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