So are you saying that my example is slow because of the time taken to process the text data files in Squeak? (I was using 3.10)

Not that it matters in this case but how would I work around this if it were a real application that needed to handle data in this way?


2009/11/15 Herbert König <>

JW> I will email you the file and the data files its reading. If


JW> there is something of interest to others you can then post up the
JW> part matters.

I used TimeProfileBrowser (as Subbu suggested) and Squeak 3.8.2
(supporting UTF8) in comparison to Squeak 3.6 (which is pre Cuis).

As Bert suggested, in more recent Squeaks a lot of time is spent in
UTF8 decoding. My figures are 9300ms (3.8) vs. 480ms (3.6).

In 3.6 significant time is spent in displaying the results on the
Transcript. If I comment out that line in getLogFiles I'm down to

Which again shows the value of profiling before optimizing :-))

For unknown reasons in Cuis FileDirectory>>fileNames returns an empty
Array so I can't try there.



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