Hi all

I'm rediscovering halt and finding it excellent...

So I just send this mail to see how people use it... etc etc...

self halt allows to interurpt code and open a debuger then we're able:
- to inspect all objects (really useful for objects that are not inspectable in a workspace like seaside component)
- follow code message flow (over get to the new one - inside go in the sent message code - through enter code in a block) : it took me time to use it (nearly) properly
- to code directly in the debugger ! (didn't do before but what a time saver !  I put self halt in some empty method and then you can write code (autocompletion works too :) ), then saving revert the current method that you can follow to see if it's doing what's expected :) :)   really really  great !  why I didn't use that before ;)

Noury sent a mail about self haltOnce to avoid recursion

First you should enable halt once (message setHaltOnce).
More in category 'debugging-haltOnce' in Object.  never used though ;)

If you have any other remarks concerning the use of halt.. or other related "tool"...

See you
