On Jun 24, 2019, at 5:16 PM, John-Reed Maffeo <jrmaffeo@gmail.com> wrote:

I am working on an application which requires task scheduler like cron on UNIX or Task Manager on Windows. In the swiki , there is a page about Refactored Date and Time Classes which mentions #Schedule in the context of TV programs. I have figured out how to set up, but I can not figure out how to use it productively.

My simple use case is: 
a. create an instance of #Schedule 
b. Use the schedule to write a string to the Transcript based on the contents of the schedule.

|sampleSchedule  rightNow cr |

rightNow := DateAndTime now.
cr := String cr.

sampleSchedule := Schedule starting: rightNow  ending: rightNow + 20 minutes .

sampleSchedule schedule: {Duration minutes: 1. Duration minutes: 3}.
sampleSchedule  scheduleDo:[:each |Transcript show: each asString, String cr].
>> This results in all of the schedule items being written to the Transcript immediately, rather at the schedule time for each.

How to I use a schedule to run a block at the time specified by the schedule. 

I have looked at #Delay, but it has a limit of ~six days which will not work for me.



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