Hello Nicola,

Check out https://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/52 - How to lay out submorphs - example 1 

There are several other layout links similar to this one.

Note: AlignmentMorph has been deprecated, but it is still present in methods in current Squeak images.


On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 1:14 AM Nicola Mingotti <nmingotti@gmail.com> wrote:

I am trying to understand the layout in Morph. I am familiar with other GUI toolkit as Tk, so It should not be a problem, I need just to see some simple examples.

It is quite difficult to find information about this subject.

I finally landed here:

Bue when I try to open the file "MorphLayoutArticle.pr" in Squeak 5.2 I get a lot of errors.

Is there around a working version of MorphLayoutArticle ?


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