Try this:

1. Left click on the Squeak Desktop.  You should get the "World" menu
2. Select "open...", then "SqueakMap Package Loader."  It may ask you if you want to update the cache from the network or something like that.  Say yes if it does...
3. Find "Chess" in the list of packages.  Right click, and choose "install."
4. Open a workspace by getting the World menu again (step 1) and selecting "open..." again, and then "workspace"
5.  Type ChessMorph new openInWorld.
6.  With the cursor on the line you typed, Ctrl-D in Windows, I think Alt-D on a Mac.  Or, highlight the line, right click, and select "do it (d)
7.  A chess board should open.  You're on your own; I have never played!

Hope this helps,


On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Felix Dorner <> wrote:
I am a noob, so handle with care. You got a file named So maybe look for 'how
do I load a .st file in smalltalk?' Looking in the Squeak FAQ gave me this:

Now that does tell me something about what a .st file is. However it doesn't tell me how
to load such a piece of code. Searching further got me to this page:

He tells me to just 'do': FileStream fileIn: 'C:\'

( If you don't know how to 'do' something, you should probably postpone your chess
adventure and read the Squeak by Example Book. Probably everyone highly recomends it. )

Now you need to find a Class that you could call the 'main entry point' for the
Chess program you are trying to run. Open the Class browser and search for "Chess". You
could also try something as:

Chess new openInWorld (which is kind of a Pattern I've seen through all Squeak UI apps.)

Hope that helps a little. Don't give up.


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