I want to run 2 Squeaks on a 2 core computer.  The first time I tried two instances, one complained that it couldn't save changes or something but ran anyway, enabling me to open both the internal webcam and a USB webcam at the same time and enjoy the same display speed on each.  To avoid the file conflict I later copied the entire Squeak directory to a copy to run separately.  I brought up the Task Manager to set the priorities high and affinity to each core separately.  Oddly the task manager showed two Squeak.exe's but only one had a description Squeak Cog Virtual Machine.  They both started but soon one gave a VM error message and quit.  

What is the correct way to run a Squeak on each core?  I've seen a recommendation to use 4 cores for machine vision and i hope to do it in Squeak instead of C++ to better modify the perception code.
