<<I ususally do something like this:

(((FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'file.csv')
  contentsOfEntireFile                   " read and close "
    findTokens: String crlf)             " split into lines "
      reject: [:e | e isEmpty])          " lose empty lines "
        collect: [:e | e findTokens: $,] " split into fields "


Andy Burnett wrote:
> I have a small database containing questionnaire responses. The DB can
> output the responses (mainly descriptive paragraphs) in CSV format.
> Ideally, I would like to read each of the records into a collection of
> some kind.  I was hoping that there might be a 'fromCSV:' method, but I
> haven't found one.  One approach I had thought about was to edit the
> text so in order to create a series of array definitions, and then paste
> that into a workspace. However, that does lack a bit of elegance! So, is
> there a neat way of doing this?
> Cheers
> AB

That's great Zulq, much better than my rather procedural attempts.
