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Le 2014-09-04 à 02:03, Herbert König <herbertkoenig@gmx.net> a écrit :

Hi Emmanuel,

assuming you use a all in one you will find it in the folder \Squeak-4.5-All-in-One.app\Contents\Resources.

Don't know how a Mac shows this path.

I think (don't have my Mac at hand ) you just press the option key when selecting Squeak-4.5-All-in-One.app and you'll have the choice to open a bundle which is an apple container. 
In a workspace you can enter "Smalltalk imagePath" (without "") and printIt. This will give you the path.

That aside I'd try to use the image that goes with the book because 4.5 differs quite a lot from the image used in the book.

http://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/4624/SqueakByExample-1.3.zip gets you the relevant image. Someone who owns a Mac may show you how to get the relevant sources file (V3.9) and a 3.9 VM for the Mac.

I can go searching if you need further help but hopefully someone with a Mac chimes in.



Am 04.09.2014 um 05:19 schrieb Emmanuel Genard:
I just started going through Squeak by Example and I already have a problem. I'm running Squeak 4.5 on a Macbook Air and I can't find where the image files are saved on my hard drive. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thank You
Emmanuel Genard

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