On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 4:56 AM, bb <bblochl@arcor.de> wrote:
And the home page of squeak remarks:
Noteworthy aspects of Squeak include:
    * A mostly Smalltalk-80 and ANSI Smalltalk X3J20 compatible language and base libraries
    * ... 
If you and the Squeak Organisation do not like such questions simply remark on the home page:
"Squeak is not Smalltalk-80 and not ANSI Smalltalk X3J20 compatible!
And may be you might add: Just a Toy for Children. The Squeak homepage claims just the oposit.
And you might add: Do not bother us with Smalltalk queations, we are just gaming.

Note that even you said that the home page says "A mostly Smalltalk-80 and ANSI Smalltalk X3J20 compatible language and base libraries"

The home page already says "Squeak is not Smalltalk-80 and not ANSI Smalltalk X3J20 compatible!" because it says mostly. Nobody has ever claimed 100% compatibility.

The GNU Smalltalk documentation is for GNU Smalltalk. Period. If you have questions about that documentation, then ask them.

I think it is perfectly fine to ask questions about Squeak documentation or lack thereof. Just phrase your questions in the context of Squeak. If you do not care to use Squeak then use a different Smalltalk implementation and ask questions on the appropriate mailing list. This seems reasonable to me.

Edwin G. Castro