
Can anyone give me a simple Traits example?  I am trying to figure out if it would be useful for me in the context of developing Aida applications.

In Aida, a WebApplication observes a domain model object.  Let's call it WebAppModel.

Of course, you could subclass ANY object to create your WebAppModel, but I still want it to know how to do certain things, like start and stop itself.

In other words, I might have one WebAppModel that subclasses Object, and another that subclasses OrderedCollection, but I don't want to teach them both how to start or stop each time I create a new one, and it seems less elegant to subclass everything from a WebAppModel base class and then include the actual objects they model as instance variables.

Does this make sense or am I missing some other fundamental concept, and is this what Traits are for?


Rob Rothwell