Hi Sergio,
      You might want to try out the eToys image. That's like a standalone app. I believe, and I've only been tinkering with Squeak Smalltalk that the Squeaky way to think of standalone apps is an image of classes working together, wich you then run in the VM. So what you would do is deliver a stripped down image with only the stuff that you need for your "app". Oh, you might try Ploop too, which is a cool little program....I think its only free for Linux though.

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 11:57 AM, sergio ruiz <sergiolist@village-buzz.com> wrote:

was wondering if there was somewhere i could try out some standalone apps.. just to see how they look and feel (and play) with the operating system..


sergio t. ruiz
network analyst
red red design

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