Sorry, another beginner here. :)

I've installed Scamper(12) several times (I'm on the 3.9.1-final-7075 image for Mac) but when I try to run it I get and UndefinedObject parse: error. I'm guessing that's the equivalent of my beloved NilObject thing in Ruby (message passed to a null reference).

Any ideas?

Also, I find that many of the libraries aren't updated for 3.9 yet (3.10 has been released so it don't inspire confidence). Is this just a hiccup or are many of the libraries not updated. Also, is stuff broken so quickly between releases? 

On 4/13/08, Klaus D. Witzel <> wrote:
On Sat, 12 Apr 2008 23:48:44 +0200, David Goldstrom wrote:

 Thanks for the suggestion.  I found Scamper and installed it, but how
do you start it? I tried "Scamper open", start, etc... and "Do It" but
no luck :-). I'm sure it's obvious, but I haven't quite got it yet.

It should register itself in the World menu (open->) and also in the tools flap (drag it out).

Thanks for pointing me to Sophie. I can navigate to the developers site
and the latest sources for sophie, but then I find myself wondering
which .mcz files to download and install?

I think that Sophie brings a lot of stuff in its dedicated .image, just download it (linked from the homepage) for your platform. They have also docs for the developer,


Any suggestions are much appreciated :-). Thanks again,

You're welcome :)

--- "Klaus D. Witzel" wrote:
There's a video about Sophie in action, a Squeak wysiwyg application,


and Sophie's home page is here,


Look for Scamper, I think it's on SqueakMap (it may depend on your

Enjoy Squeak :)


> Thanks in advance,
> David G.

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