OK, thanks for your support. I'll try out the KernalImage.

On 6/13/07, Michael van der Gulik <mikevdg@gulik.co.nz> wrote:
Victor Lopes wrote:
> Hi every one,
>   I am having trouble in finding any tutorial about making a release
> image to be distributed. I'd like to know how to clean an image as
> much as possible. For example, I have a application with no gui, just
> some kind of batch application and I'de like to disable any other
> squeak process and remove any class I don't use to achieve the
> best performance I can. Can anyone help me with this?
Hi Victor.

There are a few resources available. Personally, I'd spend a bit of time
porting your code to  Pavel's KernelImage. Pavel has done an excellent
job of making a minimal Squeak and in my opinion this will give you the
best results for the least effort.

KernelImage: http://www.comtalk.net/Squeak/98

Alternatively, surf the wiki for more information. For example:


There are a bunch of methods in the SystemDictionary, although they may
not all work. See the "housekeeping" and "shrinking"  method categories
in the "SystemDictionary" class. Make sure you back up your image first.

Seeing that you're not running a graphical application, the least effort
path would be to keep your whole image, junk included. You'll find that
keeping the development tools in the image is a very good idea if you
ever need to get back in to your image to fix anything. For deployment
of a network service, you'll want some way of administering it - I
recommend either using VNC (Squeak has a built-in VNC server) or REPL
(which is a telnet server).

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