Hi Tim J, 

as far as I know, every #basicNew: (primitive 71) triggers a GC. Not necessarily a full GC as through manually calling "Smalltalk garbageCollect", but at least an incremental GC. So, the image doing at least something (like the ticking clock in the upper right corner), will trigger a GC quite frequently.


Am 08.06.2020 20:28:53 schrieb Tim Johnson <digit@sonic.net>:

Hi newbies list,

I wrote a little Morph to monitor live processes vs terminated
processes. In doing so, while experimenting, I ended up with one
Process which seemed to be terminated inside of Process>>#terminate,
which I think is strange. Is it strange? I ended up discarding the
working copy of my image and reverting to the last saved version.

It is interesting to see how many terminated Processes are left behind
when WebServer has been running for a long time. Luckily they all seem
to be swept away with a #garbageCollect. I do wonder why my image can
go for 24 hours without something in the image performing a garbage
collection. SHTextStylerSH80 creates and terminates many processes
also, but they seem to get collected without my intervention (?).

Tim J
Beginners mailing list