On Sep 28, 2008, at 10:08 PM, Rob Rothwell wrote:

Sorry...you probably had it right with code font.  But the font wont change until you close the Browser and open a new one...

Ah ... thanks!  Of the fonts installed by default, for me Accujen size 12 looks the best.

On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 11:03 PM, Rob Rothwell <r.j.rothwell@gmail.com> wrote:
After I load FreeType, I execute:

font := LogicalFont familyName: 'Verdana' pointSize: 9 emphasis: 0. 
Preferences setListFontTo: font.
Preferences setMenuFontTo: font.
Preferences setCodeFontTo: font.
Preferences setButtonFontTo: font.
Preferences setSystemFontTo: font.
font := LogicalFont familyName: 'Verdana' pointSize: 10 emphasis: 0. 
Preferences setWindowTitleFontTo: font.

So I am guessing (I don't remember) it is the SystemFont.  ListFont controls all the upper Browser panes, though...


On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 10:57 PM, Mark Volkmann <mark@ociweb.com> wrote:
On Sep 28, 2008, at 9:36 PM, Michael van der Gulik wrote:

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 2:23 PM, Mark Volkmann <mark@ociweb.com> wrote:
I'd like to try a different font, at least for the edit pane in the browser. When I select appearance...system fonts...default text font from the World menu, I see fonts from Accuat to ComicSansMS ... only 13 fonts. How do I get to fonts after ComicSansMS?

Hi Mark.

You need to install them first. Download a font from somewhere (e.g. a .ttf file), and select it in Squeak's "file list" tool. You can then install the font and start using it.

Thanks! That worked.

Under Appearances...System Fonts..., which menu item controls the text in the browser edit pane? I thought it would "code font...", but that didn't change it and neither did "default text font...".

Mark Volkmann