Not to forget SeasideXUL!

On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 9:50 PM, Michael van der Gulik <> wrote:

On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 1:59 AM, Mark Volkmann <> wrote:
My GUI programming background is mainly Java Swing. I'm trying to get a feel for programming with Morphic. Browsing through the list of classes, I'm not seeing lots of basic things I'd expect. Maybe Morphic is dramatically different. I'm trying to find basic things like text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, push buttons, lists, tables, trees, etc.

I've searched for Morphic tutorials. Most seem to focus on custom graphics rather than these basic GUI widgets.

Where should I start?

Yea, they're... er... not there. IMHO Squeak has only rudimentary support for GUIs, despite people raving about Morphic.

I tried with Morphic and gave up. For simple stuff, it works okay. If you do more complex stuff, you end up wasting too much time making stuff work. And then when it does work, it looks like... Morphic.

I now use ToolBuilder; it should be installed in your image. It was originally written as a cross-platform base for making all the Squeak tools work on Morphic, MVC, Tweak etc, and was originally designed only to have enough functionality to make the basic Squeak tools work. There's some example code but otherwise no documentation as far as I know. If you want me to, I could write some documentation for it.

There's also wxSqueak and SqueakGTK, which use native widgets. I don't know much about them. You could also use Seaside to make web applications which look like anything else does in a web browser, but then you'll be in the unfortunate position of making a GUI using a markup language originally designed for sharing hyperlinked documents over a stateless network protocol.



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