On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 7:34 AM, nicolas cellier <ncellier@ifrance.com> wrote:
Mark Volkmann a écrit :
I asked this earlier, but it wasn't the first question in my email, so it may have been overlooked.

In Smalltalk lingo is it correct to say "signal" and "handle" in place of Java's "throw" and "catch"?

Mark Volkmann

He, nobody answering, seems you reached some kind of quota ;)

Nah. Mark: don't stop asking questions; I've learned stuff myself from some of the answers. If you haven't already, jump on IRC (Freenode, #squeak) and ask stuff there too.

I'm not sure there's a common lingo in the community for talking about exceptions. Personally, I haven't used them as much as I should and I think that applies to most Smalltalkers.

"signal" can be a bit confusing because we also signal semaphores.

