I just visited the site and I want to say that it looks really nice.  This is great work!

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 11:10 AM, Chris Cunnington <smalltalktelevision@gmail.com> wrote:

This is the next iteration of the squeak.org image. It's getting closer to completion, I think. There is a nascent error message.

(If anyone is wondering about attribution for that image, I looked at the site it came from [1] and I do not see how it is supposed to be attributed. AFAICT, the maker has not indicated who they are or how they want to be attributed.).

The image is running on box3, not box4, because I get this lovely error:

chriscunnington@squeak-box4:~$ ioLoadModule(/home/chriscunnington/coglinux/lib/squeak/4.0-2640/libcrypto.so):
  /home/chriscunnington/coglinux/lib/squeak/4.0-2640/libcrypto.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

Something 32 is not playing well with something 64. Perhaps I need to install a 32-bit version of libcrypto.so on box4?

In any event, this squeak.org image cannot be deployed on box4 behind a server until it has been decided what server (Apache or nginx) will be used. Once I am informed what the methodology for deploying an image on box4 has been decided upon, I'll resume working on this.

As box3 is of limited capacity and doesn't need to be overburdened by this squeak.org image for a long period of time, I'll take this down tomorrow.


[1] http://www.officialpsds.com/Hole-in-Paper-3-PSD50497.html