Hi Janko,

2010/6/20 Janko Mivšek <janko.mivsek@eranova.si>
Hi Eliot,

That are really wonderful news! Thanks a lot!

For the webpage, what have you in mind? We will make an announcement on
a first page anyway, then a special webpage for instructions would be
desirable. I can open you an account on www.squeak.org to make this
webpage by yourself?

I would prefer just a simple ftp directory if it is available.  I expect the Cog vm source to get integrated into the trunk VMs by the relevant VM maintainers.  So easiest is move files to a publicly accessible ftp directory and then I'll mail the announcement to the relevant groups.  Is ftp.squeak.org publicly accessible, and if so, what's the user & password?

If not, I can craft a crude HTML page.  But that's a lot of stuff to deal with for little benefit.

Best regards
Janko Mivšek

On 20. 06. 2010 20:55, Eliot Miranda wrote:
> Hi,
>     the Cog VM release is now ready to be made available.  The only
> remaining steps are to set-up an accessible web page or ftp directory,
> move the relevant files there and then announce to the community.  I
> have the files and the announcement in hand but don't have a web page
> and/or ftp directory.  Andreas, Greg Nuyens (Teleplace CEO) and I have
> agreed that somewhere on squeak.org <http://squeak.org> would be good.
>  If that's ok with y'all can we arrange this step quite soon?  I'm happy
> to use an ftp directory on ftp.squeak.org <http://ftp.squeak.org> as its
> the lowest effort, but I'm not aware of a guest login.  I tried to login
> yesterday using guest, my Monticello credentials etc but couldn't get
> access.  Is ftp.squeak.org <http://ftp.squeak.org> generally accessible
> or should we set-up a web page?  If a web page, what collateral would
> you need (an HTML file, etc)?
> hot to trot
> Eliot