
    the Cog VM release is now ready to be made available.  The only remaining steps are to set-up an accessible web page or ftp directory, move the relevant files there and then announce to the community.  I have the files and the announcement in hand but don't have a web page and/or ftp directory.  Andreas, Greg Nuyens (Teleplace CEO) and I have agreed that somewhere on squeak.org would be good.  If that's ok with y'all can we arrange this step quite soon?  I'm happy to use an ftp directory on ftp.squeak.org as its the lowest effort, but I'm not aware of a guest login.  I tried to login yesterday using guest, my Monticello credentials etc but couldn't get access.  Is ftp.squeak.org generally accessible or should we set-up a web page?  If a web page, what collateral would you need (an HTML file, etc)?

hot to trot