May we not move 74 to trunk like that?  Would you please remake a new version in the correct encoding (utf8, I presume)?  Then, resend the full list of what you want where concisely (so I don't have to look at multiple emails) and I will take care of all of them at once.

On Thu, Oct 6, 2022 at 8:27 AM Thiede, Christoph <> wrote:

Hi all, dear SqueakSource admins,

the following inbox versions need to be moved from the inbox, but I cannot do this myself because the details page in the web interface won't load (presumably due to an encoding error):

please move to the treated inbox: Regex-Core-ct.68, Regex-Core-ct.71
please move to the trunk: Regex-Core-ct.74

Could someone do this manually from the backend, please? I will take care not to add any non-ascii characters to a Monticello version's description again in the future ...

