On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de> wrote:
Why wouldn't this fit into Trunk?

Well, that would have been my preference too except that I thought that trunk was only for stuff that was in the base.

I was about to propose a "contrib" project where such packages could live. But then I thought the rules would have to be pretty much the same as for the trunk repo, except the packages wouldn't be loaded by default. 

I think that's better.
Worth discussing on squeak-dev?

Sure, but if I were you and I could I'd just create contrib and be done.  We'd need to advertise it to newbies, which I guess would mean updating the New Community Development Model manifesto.  The front page of source.squeak.org might ask one to read it instead of just suggesting.

- Bert -

On 03.04.2012, at 18:50, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All,

    I was playing around with Josh Gargus' port of Cassowary and exhumed my TempScopeEditor which edits methods to move method-level temps into their smallest enclosing block scope.  I realise it is generally useful and is better as a stand-alone package than as part of Cog, where it is dependent on VMMaker.  I'd like it to live on source.squeak.org and Id like the project to be called TemporaryVariableScopeEditor.

