Hey y'all,

I've learned that I can use branching to checkpoint a release. Yay! Thanks, Chris!

My RabbitZCryptoKitchenSink loads everything including the current broken PromisesRemote. Therefor it is better to start a config for a stable release of PromisesLocal and ParrotTalk. I have kept out Kafka and HDFS. Thus ESueak.

Whenever I can get RemotePromises working again (it worked long ago but I broke it switching from STON encoding to ASN1 encoding, still a work in process), I will generate a new release of ESqueak, as that's a major feature change.

To the point: if you want a stable load, please run the following. It uses a Bootsatrap configured for ESqueak.release.1 on update, so you image can collect bug fixes, from minor release updates.

Installer ss project: 'Cryptography'; install: 'ESqueak.release.1'.

Have a good one; keep it, light.
. .. … ‘…^,^

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