

I added you as a developer on all the packages.  I agree with you the ciphers should go to ciphers, and the PGP should go to protocols. 


For Monticello first load it from squeak map, then from the world menu >> open >> Monticello browser. 


From the +Packages add your package.  Then select that package and press +Respsitory.  Select HTTP and use the string of the repository you need to save in  add in your initials and your password from squeakSource.  Then having the package selected on the left and the repository selected on the right select save.  Add notes regarding the package, it’s status … and press accept.  That will load it up into the repository for us to use.


Let me know if you need more or have any questions.


Thanks for your work!!




From: cryptography-bounces@lists.squeakfoundation.org [mailto:cryptography-bounces@lists.squeakfoundation.org] On Behalf Of Hans-Martin Mosner
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 8:27 AM
To: Ron@USMedRec.com; Cryptography Team Development List
Subject: Antwort: [Cryptography Team] Repository Locations


Hi Ron,
I've created a SqueakSource account, so you could add me to the developers list now.

Regarding the OpenPGP stuff:
My current code includes implementations for DES, 3DES and CAST5 ciphers. If there is an agreed-upon API for ciphers within our framework, I would like to implement that API for these and publish them over the weekend. Yesterday I have found the original Squeak implementation from which Magnus started, and I have merged some of the stuff I built in VW back into this Squeak version, so it does not looks like it's a complete mess after all...

I'm unsure where the code should be placed with respect to the other crypto stuff.
Should this be distributed among the -Base, -Ciphers and -Protocols SqueakSource projects, or should it have its own project?
I suppose the PGP packet classes would fall under the -Protocols project, right?
As I'm not really fluent with MC and SM, I will probably need some more advice on where to place things, and how to split them....


(I'm sending this from my mail account at a customer's site. Please answer to my standard account or (preferrably) the mailing list)