
So I was needing to journal with y’all on my designs…also Ich verde.

Some of my designing and planning short-term task list.

Set the stage, rabbit

Installer ss project: 'Cryptography'; install: 'ESqueak.release.1'.

Tips and guidance welcome, iikhwa!


1) Get ASN1 working
2) Update ASN1 tags
3) Start using ESSTYLE -> Eventual-Sending STYLE
4) Provide #asTuple and #asTupleIncoming:
5) Work up ELinda
6) Switch  … to use ELinda


EncryptedArchivedSubspaces persist as 


1) Get ASN1 working.



2) Update ASN1 tags
- EventualMessages
- AbstractEventuals
- PTProtocolMessages
- RemoteMessages


3) Start using ESSTYLE -> Eventual-Sending STYLE
#eventual: tuple (forwards to #eval: tuple)
#when: tuple then: reactor (ELinda outTuple registration)

ETraceMonitor eventualize
EStateMachines (class?) eventualize
ASN1EModule eventualize
ThunkStack eventualize
PTSecureSecureSession eventualize

4) Provide #asTuple and #asTupleIncoming:

5) Work up ELinda
ThunkStack exceptions
/Eventual Failure handling

ETupleSpace sups ELinda;
/ESubspace subs ELinda
/ESubspace concrete impl 
//still needs mutexes, running in a vat? Nope.
/:/eventualize ELinda with CCP
//no mutexz
ETupleSpace #asTupleStrategerizedMatcherSpec

ETupleSpace sups ELinda;
/ESubspace subs ELinda
/ESubspace concrete impl 
//still needs mutexes, running in a vat? Nope.
/:/eventualize ELinda with CCP
//no mutexz
ETupleSpace #asTupleStrategerizedMatcherSpec
//Is a Tuple itself an ESubspaceArray?
///Every Object instVars?

6) Switch  … to use ELinda. 
- ASN1Module (type registry - out&rd)
- Scope (object tables - out&rd)
- AbstractEventual to use ELinda (pending sends + matcher registrations)

//types in sub spaces…—/ASN1EModule>>#sub:)\—-

All objects forward to the activeProcess’s vat. Basic Object *ELinda’s API all forward to the vat’s ELinda super.

ELinda; is it just a lookup 👀👁?
Linda’s #eval: “persists” and #justEval:‘s “transient”

    ESubspace subclasses from Array?, which has the public ELinda-API ESending, #eval:

ESubspace>>#eval: block

    ^ self vat eval: block

So #sub: is the key to correct Subspace selection…da key, frères et soeurs med amis!

5) Use E-API #identityHash & #becomeForwards:preserveIdentity:

Have a good one; keep it, light.
. .. … ‘…^,^

Sent from Callisto House Mobil :: decentralized mobile homeless solutions

On Oct 8, 2022, at 02:26, rabbit <> wrote:

Here is an initial ESqueak Design document. Another work-in-progress. I collected what I have written recently as I journal my design thoughts and evolve. I appreciate your putting up with all my public designing! I also created a broad outline and dropped in a bunch of imagery, from over the decades...

[1] ESqueak Design -

Have a good one; keep it, light.
. .. … ‘…^,^

Sent from Callisto House :: decentralized mobile homeless solutions

On 10/8/22 02:11, rabbit wrote:

Hey y'all,

I've learned that I can use branching to checkpoint a release. Yay! Thanks, Chris!

My RabbitZCryptoKitchenSink loads everything including the current broken PromisesRemote. Therefor it is better to start a config for a stable release of PromisesLocal and ParrotTalk. I have kept out Kafka and HDFS. Thus ESueak.

Whenever I can get RemotePromises working again (it worked long ago but I broke it switching from STON encoding to ASN1 encoding, still a work in process), I will generate a new release of ESqueak, as that's a major feature change.

To the point: if you want a stable load, please run the following. It uses a Bootsatrap configured for ESqueak.release.1 on update, so you image can collect bug fixes, from minor release updates.

Installer ss project: 'Cryptography'; install: 'ESqueak.release.1'.

Have a good one; keep it, light.
. .. … ‘…^,^

Sent from Callisto House :: decentralized mobile homeless solutions

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