Currently installing ParrotTalk Protocol Selector (negotiation) and ParrotTalk V36, V37 & V38 FrameProbes. 

SSL 1.0, TLS 1.2 & SSH forthcoming. TLS 1.3? Need EDH.

Have a good one; take it, light.

Sent from Callisto House :: decentralized homeless solutions

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 08:46, Robert Withers <> wrote:
I have started shaping my new SPADS server, the
SecureProtocolAnalysisDetetectionSelection server. I have the
ProbingFrameBuffer using frame probes to analyze, detect and select the
operations for the discovered protocol. This SPADS server can come
online with all available functional protocols installed and probing
incoming traffic to detect and select the appropriate secure handshake
protocol based on the initial frame arriving. Then proceed with that
handshake to establish a secure connection.

Currently non-functional and non-tested. I like to mold the clay before
making it sound.

Get it working; get it working right; get it working fast. It is not yet
working, but it is molding well.


take it, light,

. .. ... '...^,^