
Thanks, I was able to get it to work by putting:
ScratchPlugin primOpenURL: ''
into a Text box, then <cmd-6> and "Do it"

Then I tried to put it into a script by opening an empty script and the "show textual code" and placing " ScratchPlugin primOpenURL: ''  (Used my blog post URL instead)

When I clicked on the exclamation point to run it once, well, I wound up improving my Google Analytics by 3,300% before I had to Force Quit Etoys to stop it opening pages.  It seems it just kept opening the URL over and over.

I entered a ticket as you suggested, but how can I safely create a script to open a URL in an external Web Browser?  A sample project would be much appreciated.


On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:44 PM, Bert Freudenberg <> wrote:
On 10.02.2010, at 12:16, Steve Thomas wrote:
Okay, besides, my not being able to count to three ;)
FYI, the options that show up with <cmd-6> in a "Text" object are different from those that show up in a "Scrolling Text" object.


On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Steve Thomas <> wrote:
I discovered yet another fun new feature in Etoys:
When inside a "Text" object if you type <cmd>-6 (or for you windows folks <ctrl>-6) you get some color options, plus: be a web URL link

Yet when I tried this, and clicked on the link, I two prompts:
  1. Prompt: Open a browser to view this URL? (then clicked on Yes, with great hope and anticipation)
  2. Prompt: There are no WebBrowser applications registered (Darn, yet another potentially cool feature, that doesn't work and disappoints me, IMO we really should clean these things up, so kids have a better experience and don't get frustrated)
  3. Prompt: View Web Page as source (this worked, but of limited utility, well my mind is not yet capable of figuring out a utility yet).

The internal web browser was removed, and the external web browser was not hooked up yet to that mechanism. On Mac and Windows the following should work nowadays:

ScratchPlugin primOpenURL: ''

but it does nothing on Linux IIRC.

If you are interested in this feature, please open a ticket.

- Bert -

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