(moving to dev list)

Hi Karl,

does this also happen with the latest Windows VM?


We are quite a few versions behind (3.11.4). Maybe we just need to upgrade the VM ... I'll also cc Andreas, maybe he has a clue.

Maybe you could also test if this happens with a current Squeak 4.3 image. Possibly we're just missing some change in Etoys.

- Bert -

On 2012-06-20, at 23:34, karl ramberg wrote:

That is indeed a very nasty bug.
I can confirm it happens on my aging Win XP machine.


On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 9:43 PM, Luis Valente <is.valente@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Karl
I'll appreciate your attention. So I tryied to simulate the error and it dont occurs on my system to. But, i remember another etoys user on Master in Education who had similar error. Do that:
1 - put Etoys-to-go in a folder named for example Etoys-tó-go (note the o accute);
2 - try to start Etoys (in my system - vista 32 - etoys.exe can't reach the .image, so I give the path and it starts correctly but don't write the path in the ini file
3 - while etoys is running imported a picture file whithout problems;
4 - when I attempt to save the project I got the error UTF8 shown in attached printscreen. Also include the log hoping this could help.
(note that this problem is very frequent. I'm teaching etoys to school teachers which reported same error serveral times)
Thanks again,

2012/6/20 karl ramberg <karlramberg@gmail.com>
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Luis Valente <is.valente@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kathleen,
> Many thanks for your help, but this is not the problem. The kid in question
> knows very well how to insert pictures in etoys projects by dragging or by
> inserting using the file dialog. The problem is that, at least in my
> thought, the computer's username is interfering with the insertion of images
> in some strange way due it has portugues characters, because caption's the
> message error is referring to UTF8 something... I think it is a problem to
> developers, so I'll get detailled information about this and come again.
> Thank you :-)
> Luis

If you can post the error log or a screenshot of the error we can investigate.
I just tested opening a file called i called mariajosé.jpg and had no issues.
It could be many reasons for the error message so we need some clues.

> 2012/6/20 Harness, Kathleen <kharness@illinois.edu>
>> Hi Luis,
>> I have attached an example showing a thumbnail from my Pictures being
>> dragged into Etoys and showing it there too.
>> If your student is trying to drag and drop a word document, it won't work.
>> Moving words needs: CTRLc to copy and CTRLv to past highlighted text into a
>> text box in Etoys for word docs.
>> Hope this is helpful.
>> regards,
>> Kathleen
>> ________________________________
>> From: squeakland-bounces@squeakland.org
>> [squeakland-bounces@squeakland.org] on behalf of Luis Valente
>> [is.valente@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 11:19 AM
>> To: Squeakland List
>> Subject: [squeakland] problems importing pictures into etoys project
>> Dear friends,
>> I'm in troubles with a project from one of my young students. The kid
>> needs to import a picture form documents folder, but all the attempts aren't
>> succeed. I think it is because is user name in windows has an "é" (e
>> accute). So every time he tries to place the image in a etoys project he get
>> a error message wich I cant reproduce from memory.
>> I suspect it is related to UTF8 coding. Few months ago, I found that
>> etoys-to-go wasn't functioning in a laptop width Windows 7! The user name
>> computer's was "mariajosé" so, I edited the etoys.ini to reflect the path
>> were .image was using changing th username "mariajosé" to "mariajosé" and
>> corrected the problem.
>> So, I'm asking how can I do to solve permanently the problem width
>> pictures my little student is facing?
>> Thanks
>> Luis