On 24.02.2012, at 18:19, Ricardo Moran wrote:

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 2:00 PM, Ricardo Moran <richi.moran@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, you should grab a playfield from the supplies flap and draw you background in the playfield, then put your car inside the playfield and the pen trails should be above the background.

Hi, I think this is a bug. The pen trails work different in a playfield than in the world. In the world the background morph is draw above the pen trails, but in the playfield the pen trails are draw above the background. I believe the latter is the correct.

I looked at the code briefly and I couldn't find the error. In fact, it's weird because if I evaluate
World drawOn: Display getCanvas

in a workspace the pen trails are draw correctly. Any ideas?

Interesting bug indeed ...

- Bert -