I'm watching the packages of all the methods with translations in it and I found some methods that don't belong to any package:

a MethodReference Flaps class >> newNCPartsBinFlap
a MethodReference Flaps class >> newConnectorsFlap
a MethodReference TestRunner class >> descriptionForPartsBin
a MethodReference Flaps class >> newClassDiagramConnectorsFlap
a MethodReference TestRunner class >> windowColorSpecification
a MethodReference Flaps class >> quadsDefiningFSMConnectorsFlap
a MethodReference Flaps class >> quadsDefiningConnectorsFlap
a MethodReference TestRunner class >> registerInFlapsRegistry

I used the following code (again, I may have made a mistake):
domains := Dictionary new.

"Count tile phrases"
GetTextExporter2 new appendVocabularies: domains.

"Count tile phrases"
GetTextExporter2 new 
appendStringReceivers: #translated into: domains;
appendStringReceivers: #translatedNoop into: domains.

phrases := Set new.
domains do: [:domain | domain do: [:translations | translations do: [:each | phrases add: each]]].

phrases select: [:each| (PackageOrganizer default packageOfMethod: each ifNone: [nil]) isNil]

The methods from Flaps clearly belong to "Connectors". But what should we do with the others? Move it to the same package of their class? Also, why they don't belong to any package? Isn't that an error?


On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 11:16 AM, Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de> wrote:
Yes. Someone understands me :)

Thanks for rephrasing.

- Bert -

On 04.05.2010, at 07:11, Ricardo Moran wrote:
Thank you for the correction of the code. I was missing the most important translations!

Correct me if I'm wrong please, you are proposing:
1) to change the TextDomainManager to link the domain with the package instead of the class category,
2) to store this information in the method properties,
3) and to make #translated aware of all this changes.



On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 7:16 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de> wrote:
I think we do want to do something along those lines, yes.

Your expression misses some phrases, in particular the Etoys tile inscriptions:

"Count tile phrases"
domains := Dictionary new.
GetTextExporter2 new appendVocabularies: domains.
phrases := Set new.
domains do: [:translations | phrases addAll: translations keys].
phrases size
"==> 748 phrases"

These tile phrases should be a separate pot IMHO, because those are the most important ones to translate.

Other than that, splitting by category seems reasonable. And since development is organized by packages now, maybe we should just have one po file per top-level category? Even if there is only 1 phrase in it? 

I'm sure Korakurider has thought about that. Let's hear him :)

Here's my code to count phrases per package:

"Count non-tile phrases per category"
domains := Dictionary new.
GetTextExporter2 new 
appendStringReceivers: #translated into: domains;
appendStringReceivers: #translatedNoop into: domains.
phrases := Dictionary new.
domains  do: [:translations |
translations keysAndValuesDo: [:phrase :mrefs |
mrefs do: [:mref |
category := (SystemOrganization categoryOfElement:  mref classSymbol)
copyUpTo: $-.
(phrases at: category ifAbsentPut: [Set new])
add: phrase]]].
categories := Bag new.
phrases keysAndValuesDo: [:cat :strings |
categories add: cat withOccurrences: strings size].
categories sortedCounts

There are 4251 non-tile phrases (sum of the below). Adding the 748 tile phrases and subtracting some duplicates this is in the ballpark of the 4412 phrases on pootle. 

1427 Morphic
751 MorphicExtras
506 Etoys
262 System
252 Connectors
201 Tools
182 Sound
70 Movies
67 ST80
65 Protocols
62 Multilingual
60 Nebraska
55 Sugar
48 VideoForSqueak
38 WS
30 Graphics
28 Network
25 GStreamer
24 Kernel
20 Flash
19 Files
13 Compression
11 Collections
10 FSM
8 Balloon
7 BroomMorphs
5 Monticello
2 SMLoader
1 DAVServerDirectory
1 UserObjects
1 TrueType

If we wanted to split Morphic further, these would be the numbers (but I don't think we should):

569 Morphic-Kernel
251 Morphic-Worlds
161 Morphic-Mentoring
135 Morphic-Basic
100 Morphic-Games
67 Morphic-Widgets
48 Morphic-Experimental
47 Morphic-Windows
19 Morphic-Demo
18 Morphic-Scripting Tiles
13 Morphic-Components
13 Morphic-Support
12 Morphic-Text Support
8 Morphic-TrueType
7 Morphic-Menus
7 Morphic-Pluggable Widgets
6 Morphic-Books
5 Morphic-PDA
1 Morphic-PartsBin

There is a slight problem with extension methods (methods defined in *categories), #translated currently would look for those in the wrong package:

"Count non-tile phrases that are in extension methods"
domains := Dictionary new.
GetTextExporter2 new
appendStringReceivers: #translated into: domains;
appendStringReceivers: #translatedNoop into: domains.
extensionMethods := Set new.
MCWorkingCopy allManagers do: [:wc |
extensionMethods addAll: wc packageInfo extensionMethods].
phrases := Dictionary new.
domains  do: [:translations |
translations keysAndValuesDo: [:phrase :mrefs |
mrefs do: [:mref |
(extensionMethods includes: mref) ifTrue: [
category := (mref category copyUpTo: $-) asLowercase.
(phrases at: category ifAbsentPut: [Set new])
add: phrase]]]].
categories := Bag new.
phrases keysAndValuesDo: [:cat :strings |
categories add: cat withOccurrences: strings size].
categories sortedCounts

199 *etoys
83 *morphicextras
18 *connectors
8 *morphic
5 *sound
1 *pango

We need to make #translated deal with this. I can think of a simple but inefficient way to do it - maybe it wouldn't hurt that much?

- Bert -

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