We're well aware of the stumbling blocks for new users of Etoys. A colleague once described Scratch as "low entry, low ceiling" and Etoys as "high entry, high ceiling". Much of our discussions in the last six months have centered around lowering the barriers to entry, which includes user interface fixes, better tutorials, better documentation, etc.

When I first met Alan Kay, I told him Squeakland needed a better website. He quickly responded, "Maybe you could help us with that." (How could I say no?)

Now I put it to you ... "maybe you could help us with Etoys" ... we genuinely need your help. Your work will help inspire children from around the world.

Please let us know you're out there by clicking "contact" on squeakland.org.

You can also look over our evolving wiki & issue tracker & newsletter:




If something seems to be missing, it's because we're waiting for you.

Take care,

-------------------- m2f --------------------

(from forum)

-------------------- m2f --------------------