mrsteve wrote:
I can't make my project public, it occurs when I remix an already uploaded project and change the project name.

I was able to recreate the problem and entered a Issue in tracker

Here are the steps:
1) I uploaded "The Sadie Show",
2) I remixed (added one picture) and uploaded with the Project Name:"The Fred Show"
3) I logged (to the Website) and made "The Fred Show" public
4) I went to showcase Everyone and viewed by date and saw "The Fred Show"
5) I logged out and went back to Showcase Everyone and viewed by Date and did NOT see "The Fred Show"

FYI, when Logged into the website, "The Fred Show" shows that it is a remix of "The Sadie Show" nice touch and this is a good use of the URI being constant.

Please Help I can't make my project "Fraction Tools" public in the Showcase, if I can't I would appreciate an Administrator fixed the issue for this one project.

Agreed. IMHO when uploading a new version with a different name it should *not* overwrite the older version. Hiding/deleting undesired versions should be a manual process.

IMHO changing the title usually means it is a new project that should not overwrite the older one. At least it does no harm except that older versions are still visible. What's wrong with that?

- Bert -

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(from forum)

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