On 30.05.2011, at 05:36, karl ramberg wrote:

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 1:14 AM, Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de> wrote:
I created a 4.1.2 alpha 3:


Xin Wang: this should have the new home project.

Everything is committed to SVN, including the notes in what I did. The release-howto now also describes how to build the image, update the translations, and make an Etoys-To-Go zip file. Sorry, no screencast this time ;)
I'll read trough this.

I updated the NEWS file but left filling in the details of 4.1.2391 to you:


(I was surprised anyone thought UML is a good thing to add to the Basic category of the object catalog)

Steve wanted the Notice as a kind of postIts to use in projects.

But does it have to be in "Basic"? Also, Steve by now is an advanced user, he sure knows where to find it if he needs it?

In the German translation, that object is called "UML-Notiz". I bet not many of our users know or care what UML is. Looks rather jarring on the first page of a tool aimed at children and teachers:

I'd rather not add features at all in a bug-fix release. Making things easier to access might count as bug fix, so I won't object. But please put it in the Connectors category where it belongs.

Also, when you try to run the ReleaseBuilder it will complain that the NOTICE file does not match the in-image copyright notice. To fix that you simply need to change the copyright methods to look the same as that file. I did not want to spend time on it today.

I will look at that

Also,  Alpha2 have a updated version of project ParticleDyeInWater and the video to that project.


Ah. Please commit it to the subversion repository. It's the same username/password as for the update stream.

- Bert -