On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 11:12 PM, Steve Thomas <sthomas1@gosargon.com> wrote:

I am looking at a project hosting site similar to Scratch for Etoys and other Sugar Activities.  To maintain compatibility with existing Etoys versions I plan to use WebDav.  So some assumptions to make sure I don't start down the wrong path and my understanding of how Etoys works is correct:
  1. I need a WebDav Server
  2. I will need to create usernames/logins for each user to allow them to connect to the WebDav server.
  3. Etoys logs into the WebDav server using the UserName/password provided and then places a copy of the project in the subdirectory <username>
So I need to request the following from the Sugarlabs folks:
  1. WebDav Server
  2. Ability to create login's (user/pass)
  3. A cron job to detect newly uploaded files and parse them to get manifest information.

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