I was just about to open a ticket but I noticed that etoys image doesn't have FFI installed but etoys dev image does. 
If I install FFI and push the changeset to the update stream then wouldn't etoys image end up with FFI? Would that be desirable?

On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de> wrote:
On 04.12.2009, at 21:59, Ricardo Moran wrote:
> Hi guys
> I found a bug in the FFI installation of the etoys image. ByteArray>>#structAt:length: throws #externalCallFailed (the method has category nil, which I think is wrong also). I replaced it with a more recent version from the FFI package found in Universes and now is working:
> ByteArray>>structAt: byteOffset length: length
>       "Return a structure of the given length starting at the indicated byte offset."
>       | value |
>       value := ByteArray new: length.
>       1 to: length do:[:i|
>               value unsignedByteAt: i put: (self unsignedByteAt: byteOffset+i-1)].
>       ^value
> Cheers!
> Richo

Yes, seems reasonable. The process is: open a tracker ticket, attach changeset, get someone to review and push it to the update stream.

Installing the latest FFI into a dev image should actually create a changeset.

- Bert -

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