On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 6:17 AM, Scott Wallace <scott.wallace@squeakland.org> wrote:
Here are the sixteen items currently on the Squeakland Educators' Group's wish-list of changes to try to get into the "Squeakland 2012" release.  This is from an early version of a working document, and does not necessarily represent consensus or priority, but it provides a useful point of departure as we try to kickstart the process of defining and building the release.

Individual items will be addressed in separate emails shortly.

Most of the major items here relate to work (heroically) done by Ricardo Moran in 2010 and 2011, whose results were typically circulated in projects attached to emails sent to this list.  It would be very useful to hear about all experiences (in as much detail as possible) that anyone has had with any of these projects.  Items 1-5 and 7 are all in this category.


1. sectors (graphics) kh/ok add help

2. calendar? (tools) add help  (ask developers about cost of adding projects)

3. graphing tool

4. number line

5. spreadsheet - maybe (in object catalogue?) - Skeleton -

6. input/output

7. Single Step Debugger

8. When saving file display only: Name, Notes and Tags - Remove Subject, Target Age, and Region  - Matches Scratch
(can fold subject entries into tags for existing and older versions)

9. Add Koji Yokokawa's ScratchConnect (game controls and game displays)
This will allow kids to create “game controllers” using Etoys Projects on one set of computers to control a “game display” (another Etoys or Scratch Project) on another computer.

10. re-arrange the objects in supplies
remove Press me (back in object catalog), polygon in supplies instead (to have a non-symmetric object to let kids see heading when moving)

11. On Add Variable: Show options for value type - to make it easier to discover different types besides number (Ex: player, color, etc).

12. When deleting a project icon, change "delete the icon and delete the project" to "delete the icon and remove the project" delete indicates it may delete it from disk. And change wording from "Really delete the project <name> and all its contents? <yes/no>" to "Realy delete the icon and remove the project from Etoys (file will still be saved on disk) <yes/no>"

13. Fix Connector Labels so they display properly in “middle” of connector.
 a. Fix: connector labels so that when added they move to the "middle" of the connector, not "openAtMousePosition"
 b. Fix: connector labels so that repositioning does not place back to position of "openAtMousePosition" relative to move.

14. An "ask" tile to get user input.

15. A Rosetta Stone like (visual display of speech, graph) to help kids learn language and pronunciation).

16. Add perimeter, etc. tiles to polygon tool.

17. Way for  textual scripts to remember referenced morphs, in case of lost source/decompile.
