
Happy to announce, that the first version of Collaborative Curved Space Explorer - CCSE SDK 1.0a is out!

Collaborative Curved Space Explorer (CCSE) - is viewed to be in future the full-featured multi-user toolbox for exploring the structure of curved spaces in 3D (based on Croquet) with real-time rendering in curved spaces. Jeff Weeks originally developed (and continue developing now) the application Curved Spaces for exploring and rendering curved spaces in real-time using C language. CCSE is actually the port of it main part into Smalltalk and Croquet. Thus it allows to run complex time-based simulations and achieve a very deep level of collaborative interactions.

More information and screen-shots here:

Croquet Source code:

Open Cobalt support:

Ready-to-try distributions with CCSE included:

1. Krestianstvo (on russian)
2. Open Croquet 1.0.25 SDK
3. Open Cobalt R26 alpha SDK

Happy exploring!

Nikolay Suslov