I'll start now


On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Bert Freudenberg <> wrote:
Yes. Just commit to the repo as usual and we'll build another release candidate.

(Karl, please don't "patch the image", let's do it properly)

- Bert -

On 28.03.2012, at 18:12, karl ramberg wrote:

Don't be sorry.
I'll add the changes to the image


On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 4:30 PM, Ricardo Moran <> wrote:
I'm sorry to say that while testing something else I found two bugs with the step button.

The first one fails when trying to evaluate a test condition involving a function (like abs, random, and such). The fix is trivial, but I might be missing something:

| condition |
condition := testPart tiles at: 1 ifAbsent: [^ true].
self halt.
^ Compiler evaluate: condition codeString
for: (condition associatedPlayer
ifNil: [condition topEditor playerScripted])
logged: false

The second one is worst because it hangs the image. To reproduce just try to step on a script with an empty test tile. The fix is simple as well:

EtoysDebugger>>evaluateTest: test
| tile |
test testPart tiles isEmpty
ifTrue: [next := test yesPart tiles at: 1 ifAbsent: [test nextTile].
next = test 
ifTrue: [^ self]
ifFalse: [^ self evaluateNextTile]
self highlight: test testPart.
tile := test evaluateTestPart
ifTrue: [test yesPart]
ifFalse: [test noPart].
next := tile tiles at: 1 ifAbsent: [test nextTile]

I should have found these bugs earlier, I'm terribly sorry. Now I don't know how to proceed. I will open a ticket of course, but should I attach a change set there or can I commit the fix to etoys? I think this needs to be fixed in 5.0.

Again, I'm very very sorry for this inconvenience.


On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 8:51 AM, Bert Freudenberg <> wrote:
On 27.03.2012, at 08:59, karl ramberg wrote:

> Etoys 5 release candidate 2
> More fixes went into this new release candidate, but if there are some show stoppers we would like to know asap !

Actually it would be good to hear if anyone tested this, and it worked.

- Bert -

> So download from here:
> And give feedback
> or to
> last resort is mailing me directly karlramberg 'at'
> Cheers,
> Karl

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