Hi Richo,
The attachment is an animation drawing a cat face. If it is useful, use it; if it is redundant, toss it away.

From: stevesargon@gmail.com [stevesargon@gmail.com] on behalf of Steve Thomas [sthomas1@gosargon.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 8:13 PM
To: Ricardo Moran
Cc: Harness, Kathleen; Etoys Education Team; etoys dev; karl ramberg
Subject: Re: [etoys-dev] demon castle 3?

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 7:21 PM, Ricardo Moran <richi.moran@gmail.com> wrote:

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 8:33 AM, Harness, Kathleen <kharness@illinois.edu> wrote:
Hi Richo,
Okay, I am glad you see a way. I was trying last night and not getting reliable drawings. I would draw in brown and the ''play" would be black. Shall I try an animation this morning to see if that works better?

Part of the challenge of realiable playback (including colors) is moving the mouse slowly and in the case of colors moving slightly and slowly before picking the color.  I am guessing this has to do with the way the Theatre samples.

This could work, but even if you get the Event Theatre just right, there is the potential of problems occuring if for whatever reason they move the paint box at some point while Etoys is open (at least I think this is a potential problem I seem to recall it happening to me once or twice).